Lady V

Lady V

Phone: (813)504-4661

As the 2017 comes to a close, I would like to thank all the wonderful
friends and lovers that I have connected with this past year.
You have been a delightful blessing and such a pleasure! I checked my Naughty
and Nice List, and I would like to give you the following GIFT OF RELAXATION.

There’s no time like the present!

Sit back, relax and be treated like a king!
Everything is top shelf for the discerning connoisseur,
featuring the best of everything!
I will spoil you FABULOUSLY!

Dinner dates and overnights also available with prior arrangement.

You must have 2 references I can verify or be a member in good standing
at Date-Check or TER. Read my excellent reviews and explore my website
before you contact me with your appt. request.

Im offering a Holiday Special; 90 min $250
AND you can lock in this special rate thru 2018 New Year by
purchasing a package of 4 sessions. Each session builds on
the last, so we can do some sexploration, diving into your
deepest fantasy AND the added bonus of the best sensual
as well as therapeutic body work in the NW. Hands down! lol

An hour is never enough! BE in touch!
Kisses- Lady V (813)504-4661

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